Exploring the Future of Animal Wellbeing: The Wilberforce Report

A Highland cow standing in front of a rocky, grassy hillside in the Faroe Islands under a cloudy sky.

How will the world change for animals by 2050?

In partnership with the RSPCA and its Animal Futures project, Firetail has developed The Wilberforce Report.

It is essential reading for anyone interested in the intersection of society, technology, and the environment—and the future of the animals with whom we share the planet.

It is the culmination of an innovative and collaborative foresight project led by Firetail, inspired by the 200th anniversary of the RSPCA. It engaged stakeholders from across sectors—from animal rights advocates to policymakers, from academics to food tech entrepreneurs.

Anticipating the future requires more than just analysing current trends. It demands imagination, a willingness to challenge assumptions, and a commitment to exploring a range of possibilities.

That is why at the heart of the report are five distinct scenarios that paint a vivid picture of what the future might hold for animals. The scenarios emphasise that the future of animal wellbeing is deeply entwined with broader societal, technological and environmental change.

These scenarios are not predictions. They are stories about what could be, designed to provoke thought and inspire action.

They illustrate how the choices we make today will have lasting implications for animals, humans, and the planet.

The Wilberforce Report provides a framework for considering the complex challenges facing animals in the coming decades. It is designed to help decision-makers navigate today’s uncertainties and understand the long-term implications for animal wellbeing. It is also a testament to the RSPCA’s willingness to engage with these often difficult, complex, and forward-looking questions.

Read the report here: ​ The Wilberforce Report - the Future of Animal Wellbeing

See the Animal Futures campaign here: RSPCA Animal Futures

See the RSPCA response to the Wilberforce Report here: RSPCA Response to the Wilberforce Report


Disconfirming evidence in philanthropy - a Firetail article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)


Firetail supports the Mathematical Futures Programme